Friday, 26 December 2014

This blog is changing in 2015. But How?

This blog is changing to visual and audio in

I'm so excited and scared at the same time, you will see the face behind the words that have haunted this blog in 2014.

I hope this new beginning will spread the words that will sprout (pun intended) out of my mouth to this world and beyond.

I will be posting the Youtube link at the bottom of my page. Please follow me on twitter.

Please follow my channel, lots of interesting stuff to come during 2015, see you there.


Thursday, 4 December 2014

December 2014

Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.

Wow what a year we have had,  time to wind down for the month of December, but what did this blog get up to this year?

What are your plans for 2015?

Did you do NaNoWriMo if so are having a rest before doing your first edit?

Have you planned to do more or less writing, I would love to hear from you just message me via my twitter account.

I have planned to a few changes for the 2015 year I will list them below.

1. Complete my first comedy play for production in 2015.
2. Write less short stories.
3. No paid running races maybe the odd park run when the weather gets warm.
4. Plan more for my novels that I have decided to do.
5. Change my day job to something else. (Shh under raps at the moment).
6. Plan to write a lot more, hence giving up running races.
7. Less social net working unless it is writing related.

I hope you have all made a list of things you would like to do for the next year, not a new years resolution but a forever list.

I am not sure if I will be carrying on with this blog it depends if I get any feedback so please do tweet me and tell me if you wish me to carry on with this blog. No response means no blog.



Monday, 24 November 2014

Blog for November 2014.

For all those who want to have a time space to write a novel in a short period of time then November is your month. It's a world wide and it's called NaNoWriMo.

This year I have been a part of Nation Novel Writing Month. Before the month of November starts as long as you have logged on to the site which by the way is Free you will get pet talks this is the one they sent me on the 20th of October. It's called.

                                            'Make the most of your writing time.'
Since the dawn of the novel, time has been a precious commodity for writers. Before NaNoWriMo, your basic recipe for a novel was:
  • 1 bolt of inspiration + 1 Plot Bunny + 1 world, built from scratch + a handful of characters.
  • Now: Add time. A year's worth, at the least. Keep pouring. Keep pouring. Yeah, that's still not enough. You got more in a vault somewhere? Throw that in, too. More time. More. Rule of thumb: every time you think you've added enough time, double it.
Here's the thing: even the time-poor have stories to tell. Did you previously consider yourself too hard up for hours to write a novel? NaNoWriMo is here for you. Spare whatever amount of time you can, every day for the next 30 days, and you too can have a perfect, delicious first draft, fresh out of the oven.
Here's what we've got planned to help you make the most of your valuable time:
  • The NaNoWriMo 2014 calendar: This to-the-minute calendar marks off major milestones like the start of novel validation and Back Up Your Novel Day. Most imminent: a #NaNoPrep tweet-chat this Thursday, 10/23, at 1 PM PDT!
  • NaNo CoachesMake the most of your writing time with the wisdom of a seasoned coach. Published authors Lindsey Grant, Kelly Gilbert, Cari Noga, and Jessica Taylor will each take over our @NaNoWriMo Twitter accountfor a week to answer your questions and keep your story engines in tip-top shape.
  • @NaNoWordSprintsLimber up your writing muscles with a word sprint or two, perfect for those moments when the words just won't flow. The @NaNoWordSprints team offers dares and timed writing exercises to make sure every minute is productive.
  • Virtual Write-Ins: What better way to ensure your novel's forward momentum than a few hundred accountability partners? Join our live Virtual Write-ins to be inspired by novelists from around the world as they type alongside you.
  • The NaNoWriMo Blog: Sometimes you can't write, but you can read. Scope out the training guides and inspiration manuals on our Tumblr to hit the ground running when your fingers can actually hit those keys.
Envisioning a glorious future in which writing time is plentiful for all,
Tim Kim
Editorial Director
P.S. Can't get enough NaNoWriMo in your life? We can't get enough of you either! We're also on FacebookInstagram, and Pinterest.
We... may need a Time Turner. Or a Tardis. Or a Quantum Leap portal thing. You know what, please recommend any and all time travel devices you find most useful.

They have 'pep talks' from different authors, I found these informative and very interesting, you can log on to your area or zone in which you live. once there you can hookup with others in your are and even make your own Facebook groups. I live in Suffolk, UK and we had a great co ordinator who organised coffee writing ins in the local area.  We meet in a coffee shop in the local Cinema photo below. 

NaNoWriMo is to get you writing every regularly, the target is 50 thousand words in the month of November. You can plot before you start writing but come the first day of November to the last you need to average a total of 1,667 per day.
You can have writing buddies from anywhere around the world that is taking part, as well as lots of stats.

Your Average Per Day
Words Written Today
Target Word Count
Target Average Words Per Day
Total Words Written
52,513 WINNER!
Words Remaining
Current Day
Days Remaining
Goal Achieved On
November 22, 2014
 As you can see I am a WINNER in 2014. 
I printed off my certificate and you can even buy T shirts and lots of other goodies if you wish to, it's all on the official site.

Barry Martin

Member for about 1 month

  • Novel: The Re Opening exhibition.
  • Genre: Mystery
  • 52513 words so far
Remember The world needs your novel.  The official site gives lots of help and has lots of help available on line and from your area co ordinator as well. 

See you all next month.
Bye for now Barry.
orld needs your nov

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Three plays in One.

October 2014.

Wow what month that last one was.

We had here in Britain the Scottish  referendum rejected, they could not going it alone and leaving the United Kingdom union.

I have started a novel.

I belong to a writing club that meets on a Tuesday twice a month, I think it is fair to say 95% of the writers are older than me. We get a subject or word and have to write a thousand words on this and read it at the next meeting.

So each meeting my novel carries on in the subject or words direction.

The first thousand words was a thin line, it started off being drawn around a body, the second thousand word was boots, those were missing off the dead body that the line was drawn around.

I'm also writing a comedy play for a local ammeter dramatic society, I have started and have a clear view of where I am starting and where I am going.

I went to one of there evenings tonight to watch not one but three, one act plays, by David Tristram called 'The extraordinary revelations of orca the goldfish, Last panto in little Grimley and What's for pudding'.

All three plays were performed very well

Review: An Evening With David Tristram

October 3rd, 2014 by
Categories: Theatre Reviews


The Two Rivers Theatre Company proudly presents An Evening With David Tristram with 3 One Act Plays at the Sir John Mills Theatre.
IMG_1365smallThis fun packed show sees the company tackle, not one, but three productions all written by David Tristram.
First to take to the stage is The Extraordinary Revelations of Orca The Goldfish. This two-man play tells the story of married couple Henry and Alice. Their humdrum life has become quite boring so the pair have taken to day dreaming about what life could be like. However, will the lines between fantasy and reality become blurred? Only Orca the Gold fish really knows what’s going on.
David Mitchell and Val Eldridge play this married couple with ease. The fantasy scenes are very cleverly done and the whole piece works beautifully.
Next, Last Panto in Little Grimley tells the tale of a small (only four members) village am dram group. With limited cast numbers and even limited talent most productions are beyond them, so Gordon, their chairman, writes his own panto to play to the strengths of the cast but, will all be aright come opening night?
A strong cast brought this piece to life, coupled with some very funny costumes Last Panto in Little Grimley is funny from the start. A pantomime horse, a cat and a script where T and S are transposed makes for a very comical piece.
What’s for Pudding concluded the evening. Jack and Mary’s life is in a rut, they never go out and spend their evenings having dinner in front of the TV. Their friends Ted and Maureen make an unexpected visit and the evening turns into chaos.
With home truths and accusations a full-scale war ensues. Add to this the appearance of elderly neighbour Dennis who requires a new pair of trousers what follows is quite a spectacle.
What’s for Pudding is a believable insight into 70s suburban life. The beautifully written script is brought to life by some great acting and lovely comic timing.
A thoroughly enjoyable evening out with much fun and laughter along the way, this Two Rivers Theatre Company production of 3 One act Plays certainly kept the audience entertained.
The only criticism is that the full cast did not come on at the end for their final bow…

Wendy Cook – Ipswich24 Magazine

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Where do you think?

September 2014

Wow were did that last month go?

I love to walk to 'think' I problem solve or think about what to write for a story or how to get around a problem with my character.

I read the other day that Wordsworth was a walker, according to a this magazine I read that Charles Dickens use to walk at night and it was thought that he could walk up to about 20 miles per night.

I wonder if he used to walked across fields or in streets with gas lamps lighting the way?

Virginia Woolf walked for inspiration as did George Orwell and many others, and I thought that I was the only one.

The BBC report quoted Geoff Nicholson author of The Lost Art of Walking, 'I do believe once you get the blood flowing through the brain it does start working more creatively.'

Perhaps it is the fresh air or not as the case maybe, I know when I have walked too far as my Jack Russell 'George' looks up at me and with those eyes that say, 'can we go home yet?'

I have always walked to think even as a child I always walked, not to get from A to B but to take in the air and to see the wonderful countryside.

I grew up near a river called the 'River Lea' I enjoyed walking along this river seeing the people that were fishing, not that is boring in my view. I walked past two or three locks and through the gates that crossed the railway near my school where I went.

Just thinking about were I grew up I THINK that I would like to visit that place again, it is only 70 miles away from where I live now. I don't miss the people but the countryside.

I did a lot of thinking when I was a child, I only wish I did a lot of writing then as I had lots of ideas as a child.

We did not have a computers when I was growing up, as my spelling and writing was not that good when I was young. IF we had computers then I think I may of been a best seller by now. WHO knows?

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Different ways to promote your writing / books.

Welcome to August 2014 blog,

I have been busy working on how to promote my writing and I WILL be sharing this with you today, so get those pens out and get ready to open another page on your computer / Ipad or what ever device you are using.

(You may need to cut and paste the links)

Above is two links I made with very little knowledge on how to do, this cost me time only, you can spend money if you are going to keep making videos to promote your books on line.

They are called 'white boards'  you can join many for free for a limited time then when you are happy with what you have done you can upload them to 'youtube' like I have or place the link on your website, twitter or other social media.

I think it is safe to say that most if not all know about doing your own website, I will not go down that road accept to say if you use blogspot and other web sites you can do it for free, you will need to buy a domain name but that is all.

upon reading a writing magazine I subscribe to, I read about a lady that had rented a market stall and placed all her book out to sell them. I think it could work but I would not be happy my self standing there each day trying to sell my books. I think it could be a good way to sell your book but perhaps approach an established book / local crafts stalls and offer them a slice of your profits if you self publish.

During the year schools have bazaars and you could get a stall for the day normally during the weekend, a place to meet potential new customers and don't forget to have a 'free' book mark or give away so they can access your website and purchase a book or two on line. Nearly everyone will take a book mark but not everyone will come buy your book at the stall.

During the spring and summer months you will find that there are a lot of schools raising funds for their school, it's a one off fee for a few hours which you could sell a few book but you will with your free give away get a few more interested in a local author.

If you have a local magazine that has adverts you could put a one off or regular advert in the magazine and they are often placed in doctors and dentists, where lots of others could see your advert with of course your website in.

Not everything has to be done online, go back ten years or so and we didn't even have this sometimes wonderful thing they call the internet.

Yes there are lots of other ways to promote your books, these will hopefully help the mind think of less traditional ways to sell your books.

It's all about getting your books out there and promoting them in any way you can, the cheaper the better as there are always more expensive ways.

If you have other thoughts on this subject then please do message me.

Please look at past posts of this blog, until September 2014.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Famous author meets the Felixstowe Scribblers.

July 6th 2014

Hi everyone and thank you for taking a look at my blog this month of July, last month I went to a book signing at my local book store and met Natalie Meg Evans.

I had been chatting to her on line about writing in general and she informed me about her book signing tour of the UK.

Natalie is a very gracious lady and we chatted for a while, I then had to let her go and sign other copies for the queue that had formed out of the door.

We carried on over the next few weeks over the internet, and she told me the 'secret' of how to be a great author like her.

This is Natalie Meg Evans, coming to met the 'Felixstowe Scribblers,' she come to our small gathering to tell us her story of how she became a writer of such a great book.

Natalie gave us a rare opportunity to listen to the author by reading her book for the group for 10 minutes.
During the tea / coffee break  Natalie chatted to the other members.

She listened avidly as to the group reading their home work, we were very lucky to have Natalie visit us in Felixstowe.

So if you want a really good read please take a look at Natalies book.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

That time of the month.

Yes, that time of the month.

No not my menstrual cycle, I'm a man, that time of the month were I do another entry to my blog, this time I am going to tell you what I am up too.

Yes it is an eight man tent, looks nice and sunny in the photo and it was after two days on the day we arrived it was raining and I mean really raining very hard the water was running down the hill like a river. My wife and I were soaked to the skin. Yes it was in sunny Devon, down in the south west of the UK.

So I decided to take the family camping for our trip down to see poor uncle Bill, I say poor I am referring to him agreeing to see us twice a year. We also go down at Christmas time, we take him a food hamper and other useful presents.

Well he is in his 80's and he also lives along, at Christmas time we use a local hotel, normally the cheap one that always seems to have rooms next to the busy M5 motorway, so you can go to sleep with the constant hum of the traffic in your ear. If that's not enough they have a service are people can shout at the top of their voice in the early hours of the morning.

Sorry was I ranting, can't think why.

What else am I up to well I have been asked to write a 'One Act Play' I have been working on for well it must be about 23 hours now. Would you like to have a read of draft one thus far?

The Book Club.


Sitting room of Katharine Martin home she shares with her husband Robert and her daughter Georgian and boyfriend Rolph who are both in their late 20’s/ 30’s.

In the corner is a desk with a writing chair and a computer type writer, there are nine chairs available.

 These are assorted chairs included is a comfy arm chair and a two setter sofa that has seen better days and if you sit too far back in it you will fall into the hole and have problems getting up. (One may need help)

There is a small coffee table with a tea pot on assorted mugs and cups including a large plate of assorted cakes including chocolate cake.

Robert Picks a chocolate cake up ‘Mmm these look good’

Kathy ‘Yes they are.’ Takes the cake off Robert and places it back on the tray,
 Re-arranging the plate again then admiring them.

Robert ‘They won’t miss one of these tasty looking cakes.’

Katy. ‘I need ALL the tasty looking cakes for my book club friends.’

Robert ‘But I love chocolate cake.’

Kathy ‘Yes I can see from your stomach, if that was on a woman she would be seven

months pregnant’

Robert ‘It has been and she was.’

Kathy ‘Ho yes I remember.’

Robert ‘Well it was nearly 30 years ago love.’

Kathy ‘All I remember is waking up with a very sore head and the feeling I was under a wardrobe.’

Robert ‘No love that was me.’

Kathy ‘Yes and it’s never happened since.’

Well that's all I am sharing with you at the moment, it could all change but this is all copy right so who knows.

Well you know I have my book out at the moment, what you forgot my 'Eight bites of life,' and you want the link again..... Ok here it is.



Lots of other different writings, short stories about a 'Mining village.'

I am also doing some reading, The Marshall plan for Getting your novel published, I have ordered another of the Evan Marshall books as well. The one above is from the library.

Reading Debbie Marcomber 'The Inn at Rose Harbor' it's a bit slow for me but I am plodding my way through it, seems interesting, I'm waiting for the big bang, I hope there is a big bang.

Well that's enough to be getting on with, don't for get to come back next month and ho yes tell your friends to come and read my blog.

By for now

Author Barry T Martin.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

An interview with an author.

How has Smash words / Amazon contributed to your successes?

We I do use Amazon around the world but as for Smash words I do have an account but I don't have anything on there yet I hope in the next couple of month you will be able to find me there as well as other places.

What do you fans mean to you?

They mean the world to me I love interacting with my fans and how they enjoy my scribblings, it makes writing worth while.

What are you working on next?

So many things I have waiting in the wings as they say, I read the other day that a writer never has enough time and they are so right. I have several things on the go a series of children's books a book called 'Lost Weekend' after a recent operation on my neck I found that I could not go out so I wrote all weekend hence the name 'Lost Weekend.' Please look out for it.

Who are your favourite authors?

So many good writers out there, Ken Follett was the first person I started reading as an adult the only reason I started reading him was he lived near me and I was a taxi driver at the time and I used to take a worker to his home.

Who inspires you to get out of bed each day?

My brain sounds strange but my voices in my head just won't let me go back to sleep, I have to write them down on the pad I have next to my bed. 

When you are not writing how do you spend your time?
I enjoy reading taking George my dog out for a walk, even when we are walking I think about some of my stories then have to write them back as soon as I can.

Why do you write short stories that include animals for children?

That's an easy answer, my animals are around me all the time, Robbie the rabbit lives in his hutch in my office, George my dog is always by my side when I am at home and the cats Alfie and Garfield sometimes stopping me from writing as they block my view of the computer and sometimes lay on the keyboard.

What is the greatest joy for writing for you?
Watching my characters come to life some are based on my grandchildren who live with us. 

What would you say is the hardest thing you have had to do in writing?
I think that has got to be the editing and promoting the stories as well as social media.

What were you like at school?
I was a nightmare at school, I did not read and write before I was 9 years old, it's not that I didn't go because I was there every day. I was a late starter and it just didn't interest me, I must take this opportunity to thank Mrs June Crispin my neighbour who taught me to read in the summer break. I was bottom of my class until that year.

Were you good at English?

Well the short answer was no, but since leaving school you can not keep me out of a book store or stop me from reading, I encourage my grand children to read and write they are top of their classes.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?

To write and write well that people want to read what I have created, ten books would be a good start and carry on from there.

Which writers inspire you?

What have you written?
I have lots of short stories as I belong to a writing club and they always write short stories up to 1,000 words so that's the main thing at the moment, I have a couple of books on the go and of course this blog.

Give us an insight into your main character.
Well I have lots of main characters I don't just have one, it's a bit like having friends you don't normally just have one you have a few, work ones, school friends, even if you left a few years ago, if you have children at school you have some of their mums and dads as friends.

What are you working on at the minute?

That will be a book called 'Lost Weekend?' It took a weekend to write the book as I had just come out of hospital after a throat operation, they removed my left thyroid just in case you wanted to know.

What Genre are your books?
Now this is the toughest question as I think I go across genres some are ghost stories others are feel good and comedy stories and others are scary, so the short answer is a lots.

Which actor / Actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?

I think the answer would be any or if you have to push me I will have to say Paul Blackwell, you would not have heard of him because he is a road running pal of mine that is an extra in lots of soaps and other programs in the UK. I would love to give him his BIG break into film.

How much research do you do?
Well sometimes I do lots of research but most of it comes from my mind if I were to do a novel set in the past I will no doubt have to do a lot.

Have you written anything like a novel in collaboration with others?

I'm glad you asked that I have recently been asked to do a one act play and a three act play and to collaborate which I am looking forwards to doing.

When did you decided to become a writer?
 I have always had stories going around in my head and one day I decided to write them down and that was about 20 years ago, it is only recently that I have been saving them for sale.

Do you write full or part time?
I only write part time I would love to write all the time but at the moment I have a day job.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
Well the short answer is no, but that said only when it is quiet in my home so before anyone else gets up or after they have gone out or to bed, even in the middle of the day as long as it's quiet.

Do you aim for a set an amount of words a day?
I tried that so the answer is no but 2,000 plus would be good.

Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?
I always use a laptop computer most of the time, I have been known to use a pen and paper before I get up or just if I am out but the laptop is not.

Where do your ideas come from?
Now that's a good question, from my mind I do need a trigger though, it could be one word or four words and then I am off and running.

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer to see where the idea takes you?
Most of my writing is done in my head and then I transfer it to paper as soon as I can.

What is the hardest thing to write about?
Ho that has got to be erotic things, I don't think I want to try it will just sound sordid which could be a good thing, horror not sure about to be honest I have not tried either because I am not sure if I can.

Do you ever get writers block?
No is the short answer.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writers block?
Sometimes I get stuck and just stop and do some other kind of writing then go back to it in a few days time, re read what I wrote and go from there.

What are your thoughts on writing a book series?
Great I have planned a series of children's stories.

For your own reading, do you prefer traditional books or ebooks?
Both is the real answer, I don't think ebooks will take over at all.

What book are you reading at the present?
Ebooks as I have an app on my phone and any spare time I have out on the road I use my phone to read.

Do you proof read /edit your own books or do you get someone else to do it for you?
I have my wife who does the first read after me then a beta reader.

Do you leave a book or short story to stew and how long for?
Normally a week or two.

What do you think of 'trailers' for books?
GREAT I have one on You tube and on my blog.

Do you thing that giving books away free works?
Well I have given away book before but I think the trick is having the first book of a series to give a way to get the reader interested then if they like the first one they will read the others linked to it.

In what formats is your book available?
Only ebooks at moment on Amazon but I'm in talks with a printer as well so watch my blog space for more details in the future.

How do you relax?
Take my dog George for a walk.

What is your favourite motivation phrase?
'If it's in your head get it out onto paper or the screen.'

What is your favourite positive saying?
'Don't say it, do it.'

What is your favourite film and why?
Finding Forester, because it is about a lad from the Bronx that has a passion for writing and all he needs is a mentor it's just that he doesn't know it yet.

Where do you see yourself in five years time?
With lots of different books available around the world and possible being a full time writer

What advice would you give your younger self?

Which famous person living or dead would you like to meet and why?
None really, is that sad?

How can readers discover more about you and your work?
Follow my blog all the information will be posted on here and keep looking for me on Amazon in the UK and COM.

Website: Blog:

Sunday, 20 April 2014

April 2014.

April 2014.

Hello and thank you for clicking on my blog, this will be the last weekly blog to allow me to devote more time to my writing it will be moving to a monthly blog.

Today I will be telling you about one of the character in my books, George.
This is George last year during the summer of 2013, you can see Garfield my cat trying to get in on the act more about Garfield later.

George likes to play ball indoors as well, sometimes things get broken, then we are all in the dog house.

Robbie like to keep his room nice and clean especially when he gets visitors, Hannah is coming to take him for a walk in the garden, see below.

Garfield likes to give people the run around sometimes and he like to make sure everyone knows that he is in charge of this house hold. He loves to take part in the stories as well. 

George gets a visitor Annie who he likes to challenge to tub of war.

I hope you enjoyed the videos of some of my characters, below are some photos of the gang. 

                                                            Now give me some of your dinner.

                                                       You may take my bowl away now.

                                                          I'm so tired is it bed time yet?

                                                    Robbie and George play 'hid and seek'.

                                                     Do you think they will find us here?
                                                             I'll show them how to hid.
                                      Found you, try hiding somewhere else next time this is boring.
                                      They will never look up stairs they think I can't go up here.
                                                                           I love this car.
                                                     Door please, I'm going to hid out side.
                                                          They will never see me here.
                                                    Hey I'm Tigger, dinner time me thinks.
                                           If we sit here daddy will not be able to leave us and
                                                    he will have to write more stories with us in.
                                                            George camping in the garden.
                                               This is my Roman costume let's have a party.
                                                             George sharing with Garfield.
                                                   Garfield and George keeping guard.
                                                  Stop talking you two, I'm trying to sleep.
                                                                     I need food daddy.

                         I told you I knew how to open the fridge, now don't go telling Robbie the rabbit.
                                                        Promise me you will not tell anyone.
                          Hey Robbie your mate Garfield has come up trumps again my tummy is full.
                            Mum you said it would be funny to sit on the bins, it's not it's rubbish.
                                                    Come on let's see if you can score?
                                                    I am ready now lets go for a walk.
                           I so need a cuddle now, I have had such a busy day, you won't believe me.
                                                    Shhh I am at a good bit, this is where I......
                                                      Keeper of the sky box, 'I want cat tv.'
                                                 I've read that magazine, do you have any more?
                                          Shh I'm waiting for the lights to come one so I can get them.
                                                                       I am stuffed

                                                                   Alfie being rude.
                                        This is Barry the beaver, he is a new Character coming soon.
                                                                       Our first selfie.
                                      This is Phil the pig a new character see what he gets up too.
                                                George and Alfie chilling on the sofa watching tv.

                                              I look forward to updating you all next month.

                             Don't forget 'Eight bites of life' and 'Eight short stories of life' available now.

                                                                      Until next time. Barry 

Saturday, 12 April 2014

New book on it's way.

Well I spent yesterday the day plotting out my next novel which will be in two parts.

Both books will linked and stand alone books.

I'm so excited that these book are going to take me a while to publish, so I am thinking that I may publish another book of short stories, to keep my readers happy while working on something a lot longer.

What should I call my next book of short stories? 
Message me please or email me on

Encourage Young Authors.

Magazines expect you to read their publications you 

could be wasting every ones time if you decided to 

just sent your writing in to any magazine and expect 

them to just publish. 

Take time to become read and see if your writing fits 

or write for their readership look on line at 

their guide lines. DO NOT just send your work 

without having read the publication that is a crazy 

thing to do but all ages do it, it's a mistake too often 

made by many writers be different the guide lines are 

there for a reason.

If you are under 21 years then Adroit Journal poetry, fiction, flash fiction.

Amazing Kids eZineWriters ages 5-17 may submit poetry, stories, book reviews, movie reviews, music reviews, essays, articles, etc. Both fiction and non-fiction are welcome.

The Apprentice WriterThis annual publiation from Susquehanna University accepts written work and photography/graphics by high school students (grades 9-12) from the United States.

The Blue Pencil OnlineEdited and produced by the students in the Writing & Publishing Program at Walnut Hill, The Blue Pencil Online publishes verse, short fiction, and playwriting in English by young writers (ages 12-18) around the world.

Claremont ReviewA magazine showcasing inspiring young adult writers ages 13-19.

Cicada MagazineFor youth readers 14-21. All ages submissions.

CrashtestCrashtest publishes poetry, stories and creative non-fiction in the form of personal essays, imaginative investigation, experimental interviews, etc., high school teens grades 9 - 12.

Kids'MaginationFiction, flash fiction, microfiction, games, learning activities, and writing advice for kids 9 to 14 years old. Sponsored by Silver Pen Writers' Association.

Native Youth MagazineNative youth between the ages of 12 and 25 are encouraged to submit articles, poetry, profiles, photos and illustrations. Submissions from adults are also welcome.

Teen InkPublishing categories: Art; Poetry; Fiction; Sports; Opinion; Community Service; Nonfiction (including Pride and Prejudice, Travel and Culture, Environment, You and Your Health, What Matters, Heroes, Cars, Jobs and Money); Reviews (books, movies, music, colleges, TV, web sites, video games, summer programs); College Essays and Articles; and Interviews. For ages 13-19.

TeenreadsInfo and features about teens' favorite authors, books, series and characters. Part of The Book Report Network, a group of websites founded in 1996 that share book reviews, features,  author profiles and interviews, excerpts of the new releases, literary games and contests.

As you can see there are lots of places for 'young writers' so encourage your young writers and keep the skill alive. Support Young Writers.

Until Next Time
Barry T Martin