Monday, 24 November 2014

Blog for November 2014.

For all those who want to have a time space to write a novel in a short period of time then November is your month. It's a world wide and it's called NaNoWriMo.

This year I have been a part of Nation Novel Writing Month. Before the month of November starts as long as you have logged on to the site which by the way is Free you will get pet talks this is the one they sent me on the 20th of October. It's called.

                                            'Make the most of your writing time.'
Since the dawn of the novel, time has been a precious commodity for writers. Before NaNoWriMo, your basic recipe for a novel was:
  • 1 bolt of inspiration + 1 Plot Bunny + 1 world, built from scratch + a handful of characters.
  • Now: Add time. A year's worth, at the least. Keep pouring. Keep pouring. Yeah, that's still not enough. You got more in a vault somewhere? Throw that in, too. More time. More. Rule of thumb: every time you think you've added enough time, double it.
Here's the thing: even the time-poor have stories to tell. Did you previously consider yourself too hard up for hours to write a novel? NaNoWriMo is here for you. Spare whatever amount of time you can, every day for the next 30 days, and you too can have a perfect, delicious first draft, fresh out of the oven.
Here's what we've got planned to help you make the most of your valuable time:
  • The NaNoWriMo 2014 calendar: This to-the-minute calendar marks off major milestones like the start of novel validation and Back Up Your Novel Day. Most imminent: a #NaNoPrep tweet-chat this Thursday, 10/23, at 1 PM PDT!
  • NaNo CoachesMake the most of your writing time with the wisdom of a seasoned coach. Published authors Lindsey Grant, Kelly Gilbert, Cari Noga, and Jessica Taylor will each take over our @NaNoWriMo Twitter accountfor a week to answer your questions and keep your story engines in tip-top shape.
  • @NaNoWordSprintsLimber up your writing muscles with a word sprint or two, perfect for those moments when the words just won't flow. The @NaNoWordSprints team offers dares and timed writing exercises to make sure every minute is productive.
  • Virtual Write-Ins: What better way to ensure your novel's forward momentum than a few hundred accountability partners? Join our live Virtual Write-ins to be inspired by novelists from around the world as they type alongside you.
  • The NaNoWriMo Blog: Sometimes you can't write, but you can read. Scope out the training guides and inspiration manuals on our Tumblr to hit the ground running when your fingers can actually hit those keys.
Envisioning a glorious future in which writing time is plentiful for all,
Tim Kim
Editorial Director
P.S. Can't get enough NaNoWriMo in your life? We can't get enough of you either! We're also on FacebookInstagram, and Pinterest.
We... may need a Time Turner. Or a Tardis. Or a Quantum Leap portal thing. You know what, please recommend any and all time travel devices you find most useful.

They have 'pep talks' from different authors, I found these informative and very interesting, you can log on to your area or zone in which you live. once there you can hookup with others in your are and even make your own Facebook groups. I live in Suffolk, UK and we had a great co ordinator who organised coffee writing ins in the local area.  We meet in a coffee shop in the local Cinema photo below. 

NaNoWriMo is to get you writing every regularly, the target is 50 thousand words in the month of November. You can plot before you start writing but come the first day of November to the last you need to average a total of 1,667 per day.
You can have writing buddies from anywhere around the world that is taking part, as well as lots of stats.

Your Average Per Day
Words Written Today
Target Word Count
Target Average Words Per Day
Total Words Written
52,513 WINNER!
Words Remaining
Current Day
Days Remaining
Goal Achieved On
November 22, 2014
 As you can see I am a WINNER in 2014. 
I printed off my certificate and you can even buy T shirts and lots of other goodies if you wish to, it's all on the official site.

Barry Martin

Member for about 1 month

  • Novel: The Re Opening exhibition.
  • Genre: Mystery
  • 52513 words so far
Remember The world needs your novel.  The official site gives lots of help and has lots of help available on line and from your area co ordinator as well. 

See you all next month.
Bye for now Barry.
orld needs your nov

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