How has Smash words / Amazon contributed to your successes?
We I do use Amazon around the world but as for Smash words I do have an account but I don't have anything on there yet I hope in the next couple of month you will be able to find me there as well as other places.
What do you fans mean to you?
They mean the world to me I love interacting with my fans and how they enjoy my scribblings, it makes writing worth while.
What are you working on next?
Who are your favourite authors?
Who inspires you to get out of bed each day?
When you are not writing how do you spend your time?
Why do you write short stories that include animals for
What is the greatest joy for writing for you?
What would you say is the hardest thing you have had to do
in writing?
I was a nightmare at school, I did not read and write before I was 9 years old, it's not that I didn't go because I was there every day. I was a late starter and it just didn't interest me, I must take this opportunity to thank Mrs June Crispin my neighbour who taught me to read in the summer break. I was bottom of my class until that year.
Were you good at English?
Well the short answer was no, but since leaving school you can not keep me out of a book store or stop me from reading, I encourage my grand children to read and write they are top of their classes.
What are your ambitions for your writing career?
To write and write well that people want to read what I have created, ten books would be a good start and carry on from there.
Which writers inspire you?
What have you written?
I have lots of short stories as I belong to a writing club and they always write short stories up to 1,000 words so that's the main thing at the moment, I have a couple of books on the go and of course this blog.
Give us an insight into your main character.
Well I have lots of main characters I don't just have one, it's a bit like having friends you don't normally just have one you have a few, work ones, school friends, even if you left a few years ago, if you have children at school you have some of their mums and dads as friends.
What are you working on at the minute?
That will be a book called 'Lost Weekend?' It took a weekend to write the book as I had just come out of hospital after a throat operation, they removed my left thyroid just in case you wanted to know.
What Genre are your books?
Now this is the toughest question as I think I go across genres some are ghost stories others are feel good and comedy stories and others are scary, so the short answer is a lots.
Which actor / Actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
I think the answer would be any or if you have to push me I will have to say Paul Blackwell, you would not have heard of him because he is a road running pal of mine that is an extra in lots of soaps and other programs in the UK. I would love to give him his BIG break into film.
How much research do you do?
Well sometimes I do lots of research but most of it comes from my mind if I were to do a novel set in the past I will no doubt have to do a lot.
Have you written anything like a novel in collaboration with others?
I'm glad you asked that I have recently been asked to do a one act play and a three act play and to collaborate which I am looking forwards to doing.
When did you decided to become a writer?
I have always had stories going around in my head and one day I decided to write them down and that was about 20 years ago, it is only recently that I have been saving them for sale.
Do you write full or part time?
I only write part time I would love to write all the time but at the moment I have a day job.
Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?
Well the short answer is no, but that said only when it is quiet in my home so before anyone else gets up or after they have gone out or to bed, even in the middle of the day as long as it's quiet.
Do you aim for a set an amount of words a day?
I tried that so the answer is no but 2,000 plus would be good.
Do you write on a typewriter, computer, dictate or longhand?
I always use a laptop computer most of the time, I have been known to use a pen and paper before I get up or just if I am out but the laptop is not.
Where do your ideas come from?
Now that's a good question, from my mind I do need a trigger though, it could be one word or four words and then I am off and running.
Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer to see where the idea takes you?
Most of my writing is done in my head and then I transfer it to paper as soon as I can.
What is the hardest thing to write about?
Ho that has got to be erotic things, I don't think I want to try it will just sound sordid which could be a good thing, horror not sure about to be honest I have not tried either because I am not sure if I can.
Do you ever get writers block?
No is the short answer.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writers block?
Sometimes I get stuck and just stop and do some other kind of writing then go back to it in a few days time, re read what I wrote and go from there.
What are your thoughts on writing a book series?
Great I have planned a series of children's stories.
For your own reading, do you prefer traditional books or ebooks?
Both is the real answer, I don't think ebooks will take over at all.
What book are you reading at the present?
Ebooks as I have an app on my phone and any spare time I have out on the road I use my phone to read.
Do you proof read /edit your own books or do you get someone else to do it for you?
I have my wife who does the first read after me then a beta reader.
Do you leave a book or short story to stew and how long for?
Normally a week or two.
What do you think of 'trailers' for books?
GREAT I have one on You tube and on my blog.
Do you thing that giving books away free works?
Well I have given away book before but I think the trick is having the first book of a series to give a way to get the reader interested then if they like the first one they will read the others linked to it.
In what formats is your book available?
Only ebooks at moment on Amazon but I'm in talks with a printer as well so watch my blog space for more details in the future.
How do you relax?
Take my dog George for a walk.
What is your favourite motivation phrase?
'If it's in your head get it out onto paper or the screen.'
What is your favourite positive saying?
'Don't say it, do it.'
What is your favourite film and why?
Finding Forester, because it is about a lad from the Bronx that has a passion for writing and all he needs is a mentor it's just that he doesn't know it yet.
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
With lots of different books available around the world and possible being a full time writer
What advice would you give your younger self?
Which famous person living or dead would you like to meet and why?
None really, is that sad?
How can readers discover more about you and your work?
Follow my blog all the information will be posted on here and keep looking for me on Amazon in the UK and COM.
Website: Blog:
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