Saturday, 1 March 2014

Where do you write ? Is it like here?

Where do you write?…Anyway… I rearranged my office and suddenly the writing started to flow. Feng shui in action, folks! By Laura Kilmartin.Where do you write? IS this the kind of office you have?If you had an office like this would it help you write of would it stop you from writing having such a stunning view.
Below is photo of Joe Haldeman, and where he writes it works for him. I only picked it because it is poles apart from Laura Kilmartin’s photo.

Below is where I write, as you can see I have a window that looks across a street to houses. In the photo you can see a large photo of my family at different stages of their life. I have a standard lamp normally on, a cup of coffee and a writing pad with notes on it. On the wall I have other notes and a cuddly toy wedged halfway up the wall.I share the room with Robbie the rabbit who is in one of my stories; I often get invaded by the two cats wanting attention and my dog George.In the unit you see I have a box with hard copies of my stories just in case the computer decides to break before I get to email my work to myself for safe keeping. 

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