Thursday, 5 June 2014

That time of the month.

Yes, that time of the month.

No not my menstrual cycle, I'm a man, that time of the month were I do another entry to my blog, this time I am going to tell you what I am up too.

Yes it is an eight man tent, looks nice and sunny in the photo and it was after two days on the day we arrived it was raining and I mean really raining very hard the water was running down the hill like a river. My wife and I were soaked to the skin. Yes it was in sunny Devon, down in the south west of the UK.

So I decided to take the family camping for our trip down to see poor uncle Bill, I say poor I am referring to him agreeing to see us twice a year. We also go down at Christmas time, we take him a food hamper and other useful presents.

Well he is in his 80's and he also lives along, at Christmas time we use a local hotel, normally the cheap one that always seems to have rooms next to the busy M5 motorway, so you can go to sleep with the constant hum of the traffic in your ear. If that's not enough they have a service are people can shout at the top of their voice in the early hours of the morning.

Sorry was I ranting, can't think why.

What else am I up to well I have been asked to write a 'One Act Play' I have been working on for well it must be about 23 hours now. Would you like to have a read of draft one thus far?

The Book Club.


Sitting room of Katharine Martin home she shares with her husband Robert and her daughter Georgian and boyfriend Rolph who are both in their late 20’s/ 30’s.

In the corner is a desk with a writing chair and a computer type writer, there are nine chairs available.

 These are assorted chairs included is a comfy arm chair and a two setter sofa that has seen better days and if you sit too far back in it you will fall into the hole and have problems getting up. (One may need help)

There is a small coffee table with a tea pot on assorted mugs and cups including a large plate of assorted cakes including chocolate cake.

Robert Picks a chocolate cake up ‘Mmm these look good’

Kathy ‘Yes they are.’ Takes the cake off Robert and places it back on the tray,
 Re-arranging the plate again then admiring them.

Robert ‘They won’t miss one of these tasty looking cakes.’

Katy. ‘I need ALL the tasty looking cakes for my book club friends.’

Robert ‘But I love chocolate cake.’

Kathy ‘Yes I can see from your stomach, if that was on a woman she would be seven

months pregnant’

Robert ‘It has been and she was.’

Kathy ‘Ho yes I remember.’

Robert ‘Well it was nearly 30 years ago love.’

Kathy ‘All I remember is waking up with a very sore head and the feeling I was under a wardrobe.’

Robert ‘No love that was me.’

Kathy ‘Yes and it’s never happened since.’

Well that's all I am sharing with you at the moment, it could all change but this is all copy right so who knows.

Well you know I have my book out at the moment, what you forgot my 'Eight bites of life,' and you want the link again..... Ok here it is.



Lots of other different writings, short stories about a 'Mining village.'

I am also doing some reading, The Marshall plan for Getting your novel published, I have ordered another of the Evan Marshall books as well. The one above is from the library.

Reading Debbie Marcomber 'The Inn at Rose Harbor' it's a bit slow for me but I am plodding my way through it, seems interesting, I'm waiting for the big bang, I hope there is a big bang.

Well that's enough to be getting on with, don't for get to come back next month and ho yes tell your friends to come and read my blog.

By for now

Author Barry T Martin.