Sunday, 20 April 2014

April 2014.

April 2014.

Hello and thank you for clicking on my blog, this will be the last weekly blog to allow me to devote more time to my writing it will be moving to a monthly blog.

Today I will be telling you about one of the character in my books, George.
This is George last year during the summer of 2013, you can see Garfield my cat trying to get in on the act more about Garfield later.

George likes to play ball indoors as well, sometimes things get broken, then we are all in the dog house.

Robbie like to keep his room nice and clean especially when he gets visitors, Hannah is coming to take him for a walk in the garden, see below.

Garfield likes to give people the run around sometimes and he like to make sure everyone knows that he is in charge of this house hold. He loves to take part in the stories as well. 

George gets a visitor Annie who he likes to challenge to tub of war.

I hope you enjoyed the videos of some of my characters, below are some photos of the gang. 

                                                            Now give me some of your dinner.

                                                       You may take my bowl away now.

                                                          I'm so tired is it bed time yet?

                                                    Robbie and George play 'hid and seek'.

                                                     Do you think they will find us here?
                                                             I'll show them how to hid.
                                      Found you, try hiding somewhere else next time this is boring.
                                      They will never look up stairs they think I can't go up here.
                                                                           I love this car.
                                                     Door please, I'm going to hid out side.
                                                          They will never see me here.
                                                    Hey I'm Tigger, dinner time me thinks.
                                           If we sit here daddy will not be able to leave us and
                                                    he will have to write more stories with us in.
                                                            George camping in the garden.
                                               This is my Roman costume let's have a party.
                                                             George sharing with Garfield.
                                                   Garfield and George keeping guard.
                                                  Stop talking you two, I'm trying to sleep.
                                                                     I need food daddy.

                         I told you I knew how to open the fridge, now don't go telling Robbie the rabbit.
                                                        Promise me you will not tell anyone.
                          Hey Robbie your mate Garfield has come up trumps again my tummy is full.
                            Mum you said it would be funny to sit on the bins, it's not it's rubbish.
                                                    Come on let's see if you can score?
                                                    I am ready now lets go for a walk.
                           I so need a cuddle now, I have had such a busy day, you won't believe me.
                                                    Shhh I am at a good bit, this is where I......
                                                      Keeper of the sky box, 'I want cat tv.'
                                                 I've read that magazine, do you have any more?
                                          Shh I'm waiting for the lights to come one so I can get them.
                                                                       I am stuffed

                                                                   Alfie being rude.
                                        This is Barry the beaver, he is a new Character coming soon.
                                                                       Our first selfie.
                                      This is Phil the pig a new character see what he gets up too.
                                                George and Alfie chilling on the sofa watching tv.

                                              I look forward to updating you all next month.

                             Don't forget 'Eight bites of life' and 'Eight short stories of life' available now.

                                                                      Until next time. Barry 

Saturday, 12 April 2014

New book on it's way.

Well I spent yesterday the day plotting out my next novel which will be in two parts.

Both books will linked and stand alone books.

I'm so excited that these book are going to take me a while to publish, so I am thinking that I may publish another book of short stories, to keep my readers happy while working on something a lot longer.

What should I call my next book of short stories? 
Message me please or email me on

Encourage Young Authors.

Magazines expect you to read their publications you 

could be wasting every ones time if you decided to 

just sent your writing in to any magazine and expect 

them to just publish. 

Take time to become read and see if your writing fits 

or write for their readership look on line at 

their guide lines. DO NOT just send your work 

without having read the publication that is a crazy 

thing to do but all ages do it, it's a mistake too often 

made by many writers be different the guide lines are 

there for a reason.

If you are under 21 years then Adroit Journal poetry, fiction, flash fiction.

Amazing Kids eZineWriters ages 5-17 may submit poetry, stories, book reviews, movie reviews, music reviews, essays, articles, etc. Both fiction and non-fiction are welcome.

The Apprentice WriterThis annual publiation from Susquehanna University accepts written work and photography/graphics by high school students (grades 9-12) from the United States.

The Blue Pencil OnlineEdited and produced by the students in the Writing & Publishing Program at Walnut Hill, The Blue Pencil Online publishes verse, short fiction, and playwriting in English by young writers (ages 12-18) around the world.

Claremont ReviewA magazine showcasing inspiring young adult writers ages 13-19.

Cicada MagazineFor youth readers 14-21. All ages submissions.

CrashtestCrashtest publishes poetry, stories and creative non-fiction in the form of personal essays, imaginative investigation, experimental interviews, etc., high school teens grades 9 - 12.

Kids'MaginationFiction, flash fiction, microfiction, games, learning activities, and writing advice for kids 9 to 14 years old. Sponsored by Silver Pen Writers' Association.

Native Youth MagazineNative youth between the ages of 12 and 25 are encouraged to submit articles, poetry, profiles, photos and illustrations. Submissions from adults are also welcome.

Teen InkPublishing categories: Art; Poetry; Fiction; Sports; Opinion; Community Service; Nonfiction (including Pride and Prejudice, Travel and Culture, Environment, You and Your Health, What Matters, Heroes, Cars, Jobs and Money); Reviews (books, movies, music, colleges, TV, web sites, video games, summer programs); College Essays and Articles; and Interviews. For ages 13-19.

TeenreadsInfo and features about teens' favorite authors, books, series and characters. Part of The Book Report Network, a group of websites founded in 1996 that share book reviews, features,  author profiles and interviews, excerpts of the new releases, literary games and contests.

As you can see there are lots of places for 'young writers' so encourage your young writers and keep the skill alive. Support Young Writers.

Until Next Time
Barry T Martin

Getting 'YOUR' written word out THERE!

Before I start if you are not in it for the long haul then stop reading NOW, if you are playing the long game read on.

First what market are you aiming at ?

Digital down load only? 

Self publish on Amazon Kindle / Smashwords / Barnes and Noble Nook / Apple iBookstore / Kobobooks / Google playbooks / Sony reader store.

I'm sure I may of left some out but you get the picture.Printed only? 

That can get be split into self printing or using a publisher, you can send novels to be serialised in magazines all around the world.

Putting your book on Amazon or any of the other sites is not going to sell your book, you will read and hear some people say build a base join Twitter, Face book, LinkedIn just to name a few.

Ask your self this question how many books have you sold on the social net works by just sending an automated message 'buy my book'? 

Come on, we have all done it including me, but it only really works when you engage with people on a one to one basis. 

Yes having a great website with lots of your books is a way now all you have to do is drive customers to that site, it's no good having a site if nobody knows it's there apart from you and your pet.

This is such a large subject I will not bore you but there is a lot of information out there, it's up to you to decide.

You can always look 

at are very good at getting your work out there, as well as other routes, remember don't just stick to one, the question is TIME, YOU can spend all your time getting your work out there and none writing new stuff so just alot some time each week to promote your work.

Competitions are normally a good way to get your stories out there from local ones to world wide like 'The Bridport Prize' at time of posting this there is only 49 days 5 hours left to enter for 2014. You can enter either via post or online. T's & C's apply.

They have a rich history and winners come from around the world.

So good luck, until next week.


Barry T Martin Author.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Famous authors last words.

Well this week we have famous last words by authors.

What would you like ‘your’ famous last words to be?

Sir James Matthew "J.M" Barrie (1860-1937)'I can't sleep'

                                               Ernest Hemmingway.     
                                             ‘Good night my kitten’                                   
                                            Spoken to his wife before he killed himself.

                               George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron -- 
                                         Lord Byron (1788-1824)
                                  'Now I shall go to sleep. Goodnight'

                              Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904)
                            'It's a long time since I drank champagne'

                                         Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
                                                    ‘On the ground’
                                  He suffered a stroke outside his home and was 

                                                asking to be laid on the ground.

                                    Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
                                           'Lord, help my poor soul'

                                  George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Sister... 'you're trying to keep me alive as an old curiosity, but I'm done,                                           I'm finished, I'm going to die'

                          Mark Twain -- Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910)
                                          'Goodbye. If we meet...'

                           Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
'I can't go on spoiling your life any longer. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been. V.'
Suffering from depression, Woolf concluded a suicide note she left for her husband with these words before drowning herself in a river near the couple's home.

                                              Jane Austen.
                                   ‘I want nothing but death’

                                                                      H.G Wells
                                    ‘Go away, I’m all right’

                         Now you have had time to think                           about it, what would your final
                                words be?